Saturday, April 22, 2017

Tyger Tyger Burning Bright

Ok  I was reading  on the Declination and ran into this post. In it there are two paragraphs about the death of Ebba Akerlund who was this girl

Who was killed in the terror attack on April 10th 2017 in Stockholm. Here are
those paragraphs

I wasn’t originally going to comment on the attack. After all, there are too many Islamic terror attacks these days for one blogger to ever hope to cover them all (and isn’t that a sad state of affairs?). But one thing compelled me to do so. 
You see, like the picture of the Syrian boy who drowned, there is a horrifying picture floating around the Internet right now of an 11 year old girl who was, quite literally torn to pieces by the terror attack. Pieces of her are scattered all over the road, a leg here, a leg there, guts strewn all over the road.

I missed that second paragraph the first time I read that, I went and read the Daily Mail article. It mentioned nothing of the horrific manner of her demise. However, even without that I could feel (as certain folks put it) the RCOB  (Red Curtain Of Blood) descending across my sight. I remember my daughters at that age and I have a niece that is that age. The thought of losing a child at that age to some worthless gutless creature who would so callously kill innocents was unthinkable. Then I came back and read the post in the Declination again and saw that second paragraph and lost it a bit.

As the Declination points out this is almost unknown in the US news stream. Ho Hum another person driving trucks into people for no discernible reason or  ideology (note: that was sarcasm for the sarcasm impaired).  Our news seems to avoid  "inflaming" our passions choosing NOT to cover various things. Ladies and Gentleman of the press I have news for you, This is why no one listens to you any more. When I was a kid the CBS news with Walter Cronkite (Uncle Walter) we believed these people. Even when they shaded the truth or out and out lied (c.f. Tet Offensive) we believed because there was no other source and we thought they were being fair. But now there are hundreds if not thousands of other sources, not just three TV networks and a handful of newspapers. And we can see they lie and see they selectively cover news choosing sides (invariably the SJW/Tranzi side).

The more pressing issue here is that I do not know if the Islamic peoples throughout the world really understand the danger they're in. Their apparent silence (or complicity through inaction) in these cases is building up an undercurrent in western society. As Tom Kratman opined in the afterword to A Desert Called Peace
If I could speak now to our enemies, I would say: Do you kill innocent civilians for shock value? So will we learn to do, in time. Do you torture and murder prisoners? So will we. Are you composed of religious fanatics? Well, since humanistic secularism seems ill-suited to deal with you, don't be surprised if we turn to our churches and temples to find the strength to defeat and destroy you. Do you randomly kill our loved ones to send us a message? Don't be surprised, then, when we begin to target your families, specifically, to send the message that our loved ones are not stationery. 
This seems lost on the current enemy but, then, he's insane. It's very sad. Yes, it's very sad for us, too.

Its like  a couple little boys with a stick poking a Siberian tiger in an old style cage with iron bars and a door. Except the door is not locked or latched. We know what will happen and it won't be the tiger's fault. He's just a dumb brute animal acting according to his instincts. And what happens to the crowd of children watching and cheering on the brave tiger teasing boys? We have a name for that, collateral damage.  It's just that instead of a half dozen mauled kids we're potentially talking several hundred million  people. Put down the stick, or at least walk away from the crowd.. I fear it is too much to hope that the crowd will take the stick away as they do not fear the apparently tame or cowed tiger. That tiger is not as toothless and indolent as you might think and its patience is running thin.  And as Col. Kratman said it is sad for us too. For the tiger has at least some semblance of a conscience unlike the boys.

Tregonsee (L2) signing out for now

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