Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Who Am I and why am I here?

Well my feelings about the concept of this blog are a bit like those Dread Pirate Roberts for Westley in The Princess Bride: "Good Job Westley. I may kill you in the morning, Good night" I started this blog somewhat unintentionally, I wanted to comment on a post at the Belmont club and serendipitiously chose the path to set up a Blogger account. The account is named after Tregonsee a Rigellian Lensman in E.E. "Doc" Smith's Lensman series (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lensman for details on the series). Tregonsee was not my first choice by a long shot, but many of my other ideas were already taken. And truth be told a blocky somewhat emotionless incorruptible superanuated Boy Scout is rather closer to home than I might admit. In actuality I'm a software engineer in Greater Boston region. I am in my mid 40's. I am married with two daughters and live with three cats (beware potential cat blogging), a Leopard Gecko and assorted freshwater fish. My blog is somwhat anonymous as who knows if my current employer would appreciate my blogging. I will NOT blog on specific work subjects (or my current employer), but still one can never be too careful. I am a Christian and currently a member of a Baptist (ABC) church. I am of orthodox and calvinistic tendencies in my beliefs. I am also an egalitarian in that I believe that it is appropriate for women to teach and be pastors. This particular belief makes me neither fish nor fowl as I am not liberal enough to deny Jesus' divinity and atoning sacrifice, nor so conservative to ban women from teaching men like the Southern Baptist position. I am of a Conservative/Libertarian bent in my politics. In general I'm of the view that the least government is the best. However I am pragmatic and do recognize that there are things the government does well (just not a lot of them). I have a variety of hobbies. I love to observe the stars and have an 8" schmidt cassegrain that I hardly have enough time to use. I enjoy computer and video games and spend time playing them with my daughters on our Gamecube and (my) PS2. I particularly enjoy participating with my daughters in a Korean form of Karate called Soo Bahk Do. (http://www.soobahkdo.com/). As for Blogs the first I read regularly was slashdot (http://slashdot.org/ which many claim isn't a blog per se). One day it had a pointer to an article at USS Clueless a blog by Steven Den Beste. It was absolutely fascinating and had pointers to many other blogs. I enjoyed his take on things even though I think we'd disagree on many points. These days I read a variety of blogs, but not as many as I did at my peak. If you pin me down to my five favorites they are 1) USS Clueless, brilliant commentary (appears to have come back SOME after a long hiatus) 2) Inoperable Terran (lots of links to ongoing information) 3) AMCGLTD.com Another collection of unrelated but fascinating pointers and commentary 4) Little Green Footballs, almost everything the left would rather not hear 5)Anti Idiotarian Rottweiler, everything else the left would rather not hear I read bunches of others, but these (short the until recently inactive USS Clueless) get daily perusal. Well, if your still here and I haven't bored you to death yet Show up every once and a while. I can't promise I'll rise to the levels of Den Beste or Bill Whittle but the length of the pieces may rival them. You know what they say "If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance..." I'm almost certainly not going to be blogging daily (how do people do that AND have a job?) but I'll try for a couple times a week. And even that may be tenuous (see how this post starts). Tregonsee (L2) signing out for now...

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